Virgilio’s- Tues. Jan 10th, @9pm KOPAVI featuring Richard Tazewell & Tim Mayer

On Tuesday January 10th at Virgilio’s from 9pm, a very special nite of global music will ensue, when longtime music partners in ‘KOPAVI’, [keyboard player, Richard Tazewell & drummer, skipper kripitz] reunite. They will joyfully  cook up their special blend of Whirled Musics that encompasses, reggae, Cuban, brazilian, blues, jazzy funk, classic rock, & pop,…… and far beyond.  Joining them will be special guest on sax /flute, Tim Mayer.   Expect the unexpected, as they groove thru the nite, “quoting the Universe”.  Virgilio’s is located in back of La Trat restaurant, 524 Duval.  Call 296-1075 for more info.

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