US Army Begins Occupational Physical Assessment Test to all new recruits

Miami, FL — The U.S. Army is making a historic move Jan. 3 when it will begin to administer a new Occupational Physical Assessment Test to all new recruits before they ship to basic training.

The OPAT, combined with the current requirements for enlistment, will help the Army assess the whole person to determine which occupations are best suited, both physically and mentally, for each individual.

The new test is expected to reduce injuries during training, which often leads to attrition in the force.

Recruiters in the area will be responsible for administering the new test, which consists of four different physical challenges – standing long jump, seated power throw, deadlift and aerobic interval run.

A video news story prepared by the Army is available for viewing, download and use at the following URL:

B-Roll of the OPAT events is located here:

Additionally, interviews from those involved with OPAT testing can be found at the following URL for use in your video news story productions:

If you would like to see a demonstration of the test and speak to local recruiters about what it means for area youth wanting to serve in the U.S. Army, contact Harvey Spigler at [email protected] or 305-403-8479.

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