United Way of The Florida Keys Offers Free Financial Literacy Classes  

Marathon, FL (July 11, 2017) – United Way of the Florida Keys is offering FREE Financial Literacy classes to anyone interested in improving their budgeting and money management skills.

A class is scheduled in Marathon at the Power Squadron Building, located at 5211 Loggerhead, across the street from St. Columba Church, on Tuesday, July 25. Class runs from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Materials are furnished.

The class is entitled “Money Matters” and includes instruction on how to:

  • Identify ways to increase income
  • Decrease spending
  • Track spending habits
  • Prepare a personal spending plan/budget to help balance monthly income and expenses
  • List and prioritize financial goals to help you reach them
  • Identify budgeting tools that help you manage your bills
  • Create a personal workable and realistic plan for your specific circumstances

Class is absolutely FREE and is open to anyone. Additional classes including different topics will be scheduled in Marathon and Key West.

For more information and free registration, please contact Loretta Geotis at [email protected] or call 305-797-1704.

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