Three cited for undersized fish

Two men and a woman, all from Miami, Florida men were issued mandatory notices to appear in court citations Saturday for possession of undersized fish.

All were cited by Deputy Anthony Wales who was performing resource checks at the Long Key Bridge Sunday morning.

Yesneisy Valdes Delgado , 33, was cited at 7:54 a.m. for possessing four mutton snapper under the mandated 18-inch size for harvesting.

Fernando Eyzaguirre, 34, and Ignacio Scull, 45, were both cited at 11:38 a.m.

Scull was cited for possessing three undersized mutton snapper and two undersized yellowtail snapper.

Eyzaguirre was cited for possessing an undersized black grouper and an undersized yellowtail snapper.

The dead fish were returned to the water deceased.

For more information about fishing regulations go to

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