The Target: Dr. Fauci and the Political Theater of Pandemic Blame

By John C. Hobbins MD

Key West/Denver

The COVID virus has changed the world in so many ways and, not surprisingly, questions have arisen regarding how we managed the pandemic. Early on, it is difficult to predict what course a novel virus can take, leaving scientists to simply adapt on the fly. Nevertheless, three strategies to curtail its spread have been backed by scientific evidence: 1. Contact with fewer people would result in fewer cases transmitted. 2. Masks would create a barrier against the virus.  3. A customized vaccine would prevent many deaths.

So, when the disease was ripping through the world a lockdown was instituted in many countries and masks were strongly recommended or mandated. Most importantly, a vaccine needed to be developed at warp speed.

After these measures were started, solid data have shown isolation and masking saved many from death and later disability during the acceleration phase of the virus. The vaccine was developed with record speed and has protected a substantial portion of our population from contracting the disease. However, removing people from the workplace resulted in an expected hit on the economy and, although masks were mostly accepted initially, once the numbers of cases were dropping, they became a source of annoyance for a vocal group of doubters. Based on junk science or empty opinions, the benefit of these preventive measures, including vaccines, were questioned, especially in social media, and fingers began pointing towards those responsible for making these inconvenient recommendations.

This is the backdrop for an embarrassing hearing by the COVID Pandemic Select Committee of the House of Representatives, whose mission should have been to focus on lessons learned that could help us with the next COVID- like threat. But no, it evolved into a tribunal in which the principal target of blame was Dr Fauci who, as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease Research (NIAID), led the coordinated effort to deal with the disease, including orchestrating the development of the vaccine.

Here are a few samples of rhetoric from the hearing, starting with Representative Marjorie Taylor Green: “You presided over science that was disgusting and evil”. “The man does not deserve to have a medical license; He belongs in prison.” “You are not a doctor, you’re Mr. Fauci. We should be recommending you to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity”. Here is another one from Representative Dr. Richard McCormick: “Dr. Fauci, you have become Doctor Fear. Shame on you!” During the many hours of testimony, he was accused of lacking scientific evidence for his recommendations which represented “indoctrination, not science” and of somehow being responsible for a leak of the virus from a lab in China, speculated by some to be the origin of the pandemic.

The above hyperbolic BS was from a clueless woman known for this type of nastiness, whose closest contact with science would be entering a Walgreens pharmacy, and a podiatrist who I suspect has had no experience in studying viruses.

These and other attempts to skewer one of the world’s most revered physician/ scientists were unconscionable. Yet, he was unflappable in his responses, which were delivered in a remarkably respectful way.

Here is the smallest bio of the man at the center of these attacks.  Doctor Fauci led NIAID from 1974 and 2022. During that time, he orchestrated the fight against the Ebola and Zika viruses, as well as our response to COVID. He was the principal architect of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) under George Bush, a monumental effort which saved an estimated 20 million lives worldwide. He has served under seven presidents with greatest distinction.

The fallout from this type of irresponsible invective has tarnished our nation’s reputation and adversely effected Dr Fauci personally.

For example: The Lancet is a highly respected international medical journal. Recently, it ran an unusual editorial on the above COVID hearing. Here are a few quotes from the editorial: The hearing “demonstrated American democracy in action. Preening self-aggrandizing politicians issuing offensive performative and partisan attacks on a man who has served his country for decades as a scientist. The hearing was a spectacle of embarrassment for a country that has proven unable to face up to the lessons of the COVID epidemic”. Another quote: “Freedom to risk a preventable death is more important than freedom to live your life through the responsible deployment of public health protections. How twisted our view of freedom has become”.

Not only has Dr Fauci had to endure politically motivated verbal abuse but he and his family have received documented death threats. In retirement, he now requires daily security measures at his home or when he ventures out. If he accepts a speaking engagement, elaborate security protocols involving his isolation must be employed. Today’s all-too-often senseless political rhetoric did this to him.

So, we are now turning on a man who has spent his life trying to make our lives, including those of his detractors, better. What has happened to our once-compassionate country? Where has common decency and respect for one another gone? We are better than this.

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