The Studios of Key West presents “Bubba’s Fables,” a live theater event for kids

Three free performances offered at the Truman Waterfront Park Playground on January 11

[Key West, Fl.] On Saturday, January 11th, The Studios of Key West presents “Bubba’s Fables,” a free live theater event for kids at the Truman Waterfront Park Playground. Performed by members of the Key West Drama Club, show times are 10am, 11am, and 3pm. Performances are free, and will take place by the splash pad.

Taking inspiration from classic Aesop’s fables, local writers Pony Charvet and Juliet have created “Bubba’s Fables,” adapting the beloved stories to feature Key West history and characters. The short plays include: The Pelican and the Starfish, Coffee Butler and the Spring Breakers, and Hercules and the Caroline Street Hot Dog Vendor, among others.

Perfect for kids aged 10 and under, “Bubba’s Fables” is made possible through support from the Florida Keys Council for the Arts, the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys, and the Fleming Street Faith Center.

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