The Hometown June 24 “Meet The Candidates” Event at The Studios of Key West

This will be a timely event because all 2016 candidates must qualify by Noon on this date. Key West’s Hometown! will present all candidates running for office in the upcoming August 30, 2016, Primary Election.  The event will be held on Friday, June 24, at The Studios of Key West (“TSKW”) 533 Eaton Street–2nd Floor, in Key West. There will be food and a cash bar.  All citizens are invited.
There will be a social time from 5:00-5:30 p.m. Beginning at approximately 5:30 p.m., all 2016 candidates will be afforded an opportunity to take the microphone to speak to the voters on the issues most important to their political races.
If candidates wish to set up campaign exhibits and distribute their campaign materials, etc, please do not bring tables. TSKW will provide six- (6)- foot tables that can be shared by two candidates. TSKW would appreciate being advised as to how many candidates need table space. Please send an email to Sheldon Davidson at
Following the presentations by the 2016 candidates, the public will have time to speak one-on-one with those running for office.  This event is designed to allow voters to engage the candidates in conversation about their views of the issues.
For those who cannot attend the “Meet the Candidates” event, will be recoding the event. THERE WILL BE LIVE STREAMING OF THIS EVENT. The recording will be posted to the You Tube channel. The You Tube video will remain available on the same You Tube channel throughout the campaign season.
NOTE: The recording of the April 11, 2016, “Call for Candidates” at Salute is available for viewing on the Hometown Key West YouTube channel. Click the You Tube icon on the Hometown website Home page ( or go directly to You Tube. The recording is marked at present as Hometown 2016 Elections. The video of this outdoor event is somewhat dark because of late afternoon shadows–it clears up perceptively after 40 minutes. The audio, however, is excellent throughout. Please click on this link to take you directly to the You Tube video:
Still photographs of that event can be seen on the Hometown website,
Click the the Photo Gallery icon on the Home page. 
All candidates should contact Board Members Mark Bailey–305-304-8690, or contact Sheldon Davidson at 305-295-3560 or you can email him at to confirm your attendance and to ensure that your name is on the speakers’ list.
Take special note that the August 30, 2016, Primary Election should be viewed as a General Election for those running in races without a political party affiliation. Nonpartisan Candidates for (1) the School Board, (2) the Utility Board, (3) Judicial seats, and (4) City of Key West Mayor and City Commissioners do not run as representatives of any political party. These races are decided on August 30, with the winning candidate receiving more than 50 per cent of the vote.
At this time, two August 30, races are between candidates of the same political party. When that occurs, it is called a Universal election and all voters may vote in that “primary.” These races will be decided on August 30. Those elections are: Mosq. Control Board-Dist. 4, (Wood (R) and Zettwoch(R)); County Commissioner-Dist. 5, (Murphy (R) and Majeska (R)).
2016 Incumbents and Candidates:
For a full list of all candidates (with pictures of most of the candidates) who have filed to run for public office, please visit the website — –and click on the Candidates icon on the home page.
There is no charge for this June 24 event. We would appreciate, however, your consideration about becoming a 2016 member, if you have not already done so.
You can join this year by using your credit card through PayPal: Just Click on the “JOIN HOMETOWN” icon on the Home Page at
 Or, simply send Hometown! your name, address, telephone number and email address with your check for your 2016 membership dues.
$40-Individual Membership
$55-Household Membership
or you can have a $100 membership and be listed as a Member Friend,
or you can have a $500 membership and be listed as a Member Benefactor,
or you can have a $1000 membership and be listed as a Political Maven Member.
Please mail your membership info and check to:
Hometown! Key West
P.O. Box 5321
Key West, FL, 33045-5321
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