The Florida Keys To Experience Seasonal King Tides Through End of November, Take Precautions

MONROE COUNTY, FL – Monroe County will experience seasonal high king tides through December. King tides are unusually high tides that occur several times a year, usually in the fall, that can cause coastal tidal flooding, especially in low-lying areas. Monroe County is monitoring unincorporated areas experiencing these high tides. Residents and visitors are encouraged to prepare for king tides, be aware of their surroundings, and avoid driving on flooded streets.

In coordination with the National Weather Service in Key West, the highest king tides are expected to occur

  • August 28th through September 1st
  • September 5th – 7th
  • September 20th through October 7th
  • October 15th through November 4th
  • November 11th – 19th
  • November 25th – 30th

King tide reminders:

  • Avoid walking through floodwaters, it is dangerous and can be a health hazard.
  • Adjust your driving schedule accordingly, and do not drive through flooded areas. Turn around and find another way if possible. It is likely saltwater. It is unsafe and can cause short and long-term damage to your vehicle. If you drive through tidal floods, wash the undercarriage of your car to remove any saltwater accumulation.
  • Follow posted road closure and detour signs.
  • If you drive through flooded areas, please note that creating waves can cause additional damage to surrounding landscaping and property.
  • Avoid parking your vehicle in low-lying areas prone to flooding to prevent saltwater damage to your vehicle.
  • Be careful of hazards below the surface that you cannot see that can cause injury from things like nails, broken glass, debris, and displaced utility hole covers.
  • If you are a boater, be aware that these high tides cause lower clearances under fixed bridges. Check the tides before leaving the dock.

If done safely, residents can provide photos of property or neighborhoods experiencing tidal flooding to [email protected] with the address, date, and time the photos were taken. Photos can assist in future planning and will become the property of Monroe County. By submitting a photo, you agree to allow the County to use it in any manner the County desires.

To find tides in your area, visit (Put in a zip code, or city and state, and it will use the closest station data with today’s tides as well as measured water levels.) Additional information on king tides can also be found at

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