On Saturday, February 8, the American Red Cross Greater Miami and The Keys Chapter will host its 2020 Florence Spottswood Humanitarian of the Year Gala at the Key West Marriott Beachside Hotel in Key West, Fla. The Gala will recognize husband and wife Judy Blume and George Cooper as the 2020 Humanitarians of the Year for their contributions and dedication to the Key West community.

The Spottswood family of Key West established the Florence Spottswood Humanitarian of the Year Award and the Gala in 1995 in gratitude of Mrs. Spottswood’s devotion to the principles of the American Red Cross and bringing the first chapter to Key’s residents in 1917.

This year, Judy Blume and George Cooper, will be honored amongst community members for their compassion and service to the Keys Community. The enduring and inspired touch of Blume and Cooper have transformed communities near and far. The two have called Key West home for nearly 25 years.

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