Sunday April 9 Singer Jen and Marjory Lee Featured in Monthly Girls Night Out Series
On Sunday April 9 from 6-10, multi-instrumentalist singer/songwriter Jen, along with singer songwriter Marjory Lee, will be featured in the monthly Girls Night Out series hosted by Adrienne Z at Boondocks Grille and Draft House, MM27.5 in Ramrod Key. For more information call 305-872-4094
Singer Jen plays guitar, drums, piano and saxophone. She was performing here in the Keys when the Carter family with Spectra Music recognized her talent. Jen left the Keys in 2000 to perform and record with artists like Nick Carter, 38 special, Rick Derringer, Asia, Clarence Clemmons of the E Street Band and many more. In 2007 Jen signed on with Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys resulting in opportunities to co- write and record with Grammy nominated and award winning producers such as Dre (Andre Harris)and Vidal Davis, Brent Paske, Brent Kuntzle of One Republic, to name a few. Jen’s songwriting earned her several awards from Billboard Music, Peoples Choice and ASCAP.
Marjory Lee is a South Carolina bred Soul/Pop/Rock artist-songwriter and a newcomer to the Key West music scene. She has opened for Toby Keith, Rodney Atkins and Eric Paslay, cruised the high seas to perform for the Alabama and Friends Festival at Sea to the Bahamas and abroad to perform for the Armed Forces in Germany, Kosovo, the UK, the Netherlands and Hungary. Her latest EP “Bottled Lightning” was produced by legendary band Alabama’s Teddy Gentry and Charles English.
The three woman perform together on stage adding vocals, percussion, guitar and this night we can expect some fine drumming from Jen as well, creating a full sound for a show that is both spontaneous and filled with beautiful vocal harmonies.
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