Solar advocates ask Florida high court to invalidate measure

Associated Press

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Solar advocates are asking Florida’s high court to invalidate Amendment 1, a ballot measure they argue is misleading, and throw out votes cast for it.

The legal challenge was filed Wednesday with the Florida Supreme Court.

It comes after a leading proponent of Amendment 1 was recorded saying that the measure was written to appear pro-solar, even though it could end up restricting solar growth in Florida by raising costs.

Solar advocates are asking the court to revisit a previous ruling which found that Amendment 1’s language was not misleading.

Sarah Bascom, spokeswoman for a utility-funded group that supports the amendment, called the legal challenge “political grandstanding” and said the amendment will protect consumers.

Amendment 1 seeks to change the state constitution to say consumers shouldn’t “subsidize” solar growth.


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