Season Finale for the Jazz-Age Retrospectacular!

Jazz-Age Retrospectacular: Classic Car Drive-In & Costume photo party
Bottlecap & Blue Room 1128 Simonton St, Key West, FL 33040 
June 4th, 2017
Costume Party Lineup:
7pm: Classic Car show
7:30 Live Swing Band w/Guest Singers
8pm: Outdoor Classic Car Drive-In Movie “Birth of the Blues”
8:30: Swing Dance Lessons indoors
9pm: Runway Costume Contest & Raffle
9:30: Outdoor Movie finish, Photo Party & Swing Band Continue
10pm: Drinking & Dancing Contest
11pm: After-Party Happy Hour drink/off-dance/off contest + retro beats.

It just might be the most ambitious costume party of the year. Rock Solomon, is creating a classic car drive-in movie for the season finale of the Jazz-Age Retrospectacular this Sunday, June 4th at the Bottlecap, 1128 Simonton. The event plans to block off a section of the street in front of the Bottle cap and then fill it with classic cars and an outdoor projection screen, creating a pop-up outdoor movie drive-in. The finale also boasts a runway costume contest, photo-party with models, swing dance lessons & a live swing band with special guest vocal talent all night. The event is free & all ages until 11pm, when the late night drink specials kick in for the drink-off/dance-off at the afterparty happy-hour.  Want to bring your classic car to the drive in? Want to compete with your costumes, dance skills or photography? Want to learn how to swing dance to a live swing band?  More info at or call 305-290-2796 or

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