July 18-24, 2024

Rick Fusco

Thursday, July 18  Noon – 5:00 pm

Great acoustic performer playing classic hits, new and old


Kim Jade

Thursday, July 18   7:00 pm -11:30 pm

Sunday, July 21     Noon – 5:00 pm

60s’ classic soul, rock&pop 60s’ – 90s’ to country


Tony Baltimore

Friday, July 19   Noon – 5:00 pm

Classic and current hits, fun originals.


Reggae Lou & The Kind Budz

Friday, July 19  7:00 pm – 11:30 pm

Saturday, July 20  7:00 pm – 11:30 pm

Island reggae, classic hits with reggae twist, high energy full band


Mylo O’Maoláin

Saturday, July 20    Noon – 5:00 pm

Acoustic artist with deep Irish roots, playing classic Irish singalongs and hits with an Irish twist


Reggae Lou

Sunday, July 21  7:30 pm – 11:00 pm

Island reggae, classic hits with reggae twist


Raven Cooper

Monday, July 22  Noon – 5:00 pm

Wednesday, July 24  7:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Talented charismatic vocalist with a 5-octave range.


Jeff Clark

Monday, July 22  7:00 – 11:00 pm

Wednesday, July 24   Noon – 5:00 pm

Solo acoustic artist playing awesome originals and classic hits, takes requests


John Bartus

Tuesday, July 23  Noon – 5 pm.

Acoustic rock with classic hits


Marjory Lee

Tuesday, July 23  7:00 – 11:00 pm.

Popular local entertainer with soulful vocals



Frank Everhart Jr.  Wednesday – Sunday 7:00 pm till Late. Up close and personal magic!

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