Scholl Honored Upon Retirement

City Manager Greg Veliz and the Key West City Commission took the opportunity of a recent commission meeting to honor retiring City Manager Jim Scholl.

Veliz recalled that, when Scholl was hired in 2007 after retiring from the Navy, staff wondered what he would bring to the table.

“Jim Scholl very quickly showed us that things were going to be done correctly,” said Veliz. “While he allowed us to do our jobs, he expected there to be no question when it came to honesty, fairness, and transparency.”

Scholl came to the City shortly after his retirement as a Captain in the Navy. His last post had him serving as the Commander of the Naval Air Station Key West.

When his contract expired in 2012, Scholl again retired, this time from the City. However, after two years, Mayor Emeritus Craig Cates asked him to return to the City to help rectify some issues that arose during that interim.

Scholl’s temporary contract was extended, and he’s served another five years.

“I could sit here and talk all day and not fully explain what Jim Scholl has meant to the City of Key West and to me personally,” said Veliz.

Thanking him for his kind words, Scholl said, “This isn’t a one-man job, and it never has been. It’s all about the team we’ve put together.

“This team,” Scholl continued, “does a lot every day. Every department in this City deserves recognition and respect for all of the accomplishments of the last 12 years.”

Veliz said Scholl is “the epitome of what it means to be a public servant.” With the commissioners and on behalf of the entire City staff, Veliz presented his with a plaque honoring his service.

The plaque reads: “In recognition of your retirement and in appreciation of ten years of dedicated and diligent service to the city and citizens of Key West, for your unwavering support of your peers and for your constant mentoring of City staff.”

Scholl’s final day with the City is September 30th.

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