Rescue Tails / The Magic Number!
Fourteen seemed to be a magic number this past month at the Florida Keys SPCA. TWO 14-year-old dogs found amazing homes and are thriving with their new people!
Bradley came to us when his family found themselves in a very tough situation and had to leave the area on short notice, unable to take Bradley with them. Although we assured them we would do our best, they knew finding a new home for a senior dog is not easy and were very concerned about his future. Bradley looked like an old dog, but he sure didn’t act like one! He had the mind of a two-year-old, always wanting to go-go-go, but his body had limitations so walks were shorter and time outside in the heat was limited. Bradley was a talker and definitely a foodie. When given the chance he would raid the clean Kong Toy bin, pulling out one after the other, hoping to find one stuffed with his favorite food. Bradley made us laugh!
During our recent Clear the Shelter event, previous adopters Jacqueline and Eric stopped in. They had recently lost their dog and were hoping to find a new friend. This very special couple have always considered what is best for the dog when making decisions. An uncommon attitude but a beautiful one! Because they liked older dogs and knew those dogs had a harder time finding homes, they asked to see Bradley. After a few minutes, we could tell by the look on Jacqueline’s face that she was totally smitten. Wanting to be thoughtful about their decision, they drove to our Marathon campus to check out dogs there. We were overjoyed when they called saying they were on their way back to Key West to adopt Bradley “if he was still there.” They hoped to arrive before we closed. (We would have stayed til midnight to make that adoption happen!) Bradley is now Goose, and in their words: “He is so wonderful; life is better with Goose!”
Baby Girl, our second 14-year-old adoptee, arrived in Key West by bus, traveling all the way from San Francisco with her person who was relocating. But once here, Baby Girl’s person quickly realized the challenges of life in Key West. He discovered a future in our island community was unlikely and now was faced with figuring out Plan B. He loved his dog enough to not leave her behind in CA, but now recognized that with all the uncertainty in his life, it would be too much for his old friend to endure. He asked if Baby Girl could stay with us and hopefully have a better future. While some may judge such a decision, we have witnessed the difficulty of giving up a companion and the emotional toll it can take on the person making that heartbreaking decision. Life is hard for so many these days, so we were glad that the FKSPCA could be a safety net for Baby Girl.
We found her to be timid but sweet with bad teeth and arthritis. Yet, she possessed spirit and spunk and after a much-needed dental, even a smile. Being small, Baby Girl got some interest but no takers. Then Carol and her grandson met her. Carol had recently lost their senior dog. They thought Baby Girl was adorable but left to talk about it. Given Baby Girl’s age, we didn’t expect to see them again, especially given their recent loss. But lo and behold, the next day Carol brought her husband Tom, and Baby Girl sealed the deal with them. She could not have found a better home and we think she knew it!! She loves her home-cooked meals, her doggie “cousins,” the beach, a favorite pillow, and the sounds of happiness and the laughter that she’s brought to her wonderful humans!
The Florida Keys SPCA wants to give every adoptable a second chance, and in partnership with special people like Eric and Jaqueline and Carol and Tom, even 14-year-old dogs can have a brighter future!
For more information about our animals available for adoption, visit our website at
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