Rescue Tails / Pepe Finds His Family

When Pepe’s family could no longer keep their red-colored English Bulldog, they turned to the Florida Keys SPCA and surrendered him, hoping we could find him a new home.  The boy was cautious at first, but in time his big personality began to reveal itself. Between his looks and his behavior, he turned out to be quite the entertainer. Although not overweight, he waddled when he walked, yet he was surprisingly athletic. In fact, his friendly but overzealous greetings caused a few bloody noses and punches to the gut of both staff and visitors. We also quickly discovered he was a real foodie with a mighty determination to reach anything edible, no matter how high the climb or how tight the squeeze, plowing through whatever stood in his way! He was a canine wrecking ball but always made us laugh.
 In spite of his engaging personality, Pepe suffered from the physical maladies common to English Bulldogs, due to the unfortunate breeding practices by some. For one, English bulldogs and other flat-faced dogs (brachycephalic breeds) are prone to breathing problems. Pepe preferred short walks to maintain his comfort: out one door and right back in the other. He also had chronic eye issues in both eyes. Cherry eye is not uncommon in English Bulldogs and requires a surgical repair. He also suffered from dry eye, a chronic and painful condition caused by lack of adequate tear production. Twice daily prescription eye drops, often for life, is the treatment. Although Pepe was popular, when potential adopters learned of his medical needs, they decided to pass.
Then we got an application that changed everything! Jonathan told us he wasn’t really looking for another dog since he already was caring for two English Bulldogs adopted from other rescues, but seeing Pepe’s sad face on our website was breaking his heart. Jonathan was a man with a good heart! When we mentioned Pepe’s eye condition, he didn’t hesitate for a minute. His past two dogs had dry eye so he was very familiar with the commitment to that level of ongoing care.  Jonathan’s great vet care history reassured us Pepe would be in good hands. We couldn’t contain our excitement at this potential new home for Pepe.
Jonathan drove from the mainland with his two Bulldogs so they could meet Pepe. Within an hour of their arrival at the shelter, Jonathan was getting back on the road heading home, but now with THREE Bulldogs in his van! The updates and pictures shared could not be better. Pepe has had both of his cherry eyes repaired and is doing great. The three dogs are getting along famously and are rarely far apart. Napping together is their favorite thing!
At the Florida Keys SPCA, we do our best to successfully pair animals and people, while considering the many variables of home, environment, personalities, and specific needs of all involved. If you are looking to help our  shelter animals, please consider adopting, volunteering, or supporting our work by visiting
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