Rescue Tail / Ivar & Jeffrey the Unicorn 
We couldn’t be more excited to announce that exactly one year after entering Foster, Ivar was adopted by his foster Dad! At 8 years old, Ivar was surrendered to our Marathon Campus by the only family he ever knew. The transition was detrimental to Ivar’s mental, and subsequently, physical health: his separation anxiety was extreme and unmanageable. Ivar quickly became a danger to himself and was entirely inconsolable. As a final effort to get him out of the shelter, we begged for a foster to step up and take an old, anxious pit bull that was fearful of new people.

That’s when we met our Unicorn, Jeffrey.

It was a lot to ask, and having never fostered an animal before, there was a lot of counseling, but also a lot of crossed fingers and hope. It would either go really, really badly, or really, really well. Thankfully, it was the latter.

Over the last year Jeffrey and Ivar fell head over heels for each other. Ivar clearly showed his gratitude by quickly becoming the absolute best snuggler. They’ve spent the last year together deep down knowing they were meant for one another. So 365 days later, there was no way these two could ever be separated, and Ivar officially became family. Way to go Ivar! We couldn’t be happier for you, and we couldn’t be more grateful to your new Dad.

This story only had a happy ending thanks to a foster stepping up to help a shelter animal in desperate need. Fosters play an essential role in the well-being of animals that are not yet prepared for the adoption process and would be better in a home environment. The shelter will provide the fosters with all the supplies they will need and you provide the love!
Hurricane season requires a very special foster need for all of our animals.  Because our Marathon Campus is unsafe to house animals during a storm, we place all our animals into foster homes whenever a hurricane threatens the Florida Keys.

If you’re interested in joining either Campus as a foster you can learn more about our foster program by visiting us online at or contact [email protected] in Marathon or [email protected] in Key West.

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