Request for Proposals: City of Key West Artist Opportunity, Frederick Douglass Community Center
The City of Key West seeks proposals for the new Douglass Community Center that will celebrate the vibrant and distinguished history of the Bahamian culture and generations of families who have worked and lived in the Bahama Village neighborhood. The new Center will be home to a spacious main hall, classrooms, recording studio and practice rooms for music students of the Bahama Village Music Program and more. The site of the new building, along with a garden and performance space sits on the land of the original 1870 school house named for the great African-American orator and abolitionist, Frederick Douglass.
The mission for the commissioned public art in the City of Key West is to enhance the character and identity of our island community through the aesthetic of original, site-specific public artworks. Artwork will strive to educate, celebrate and preserve our cultural heritage and diversity to reflect Key West’s population.
 The total budget for this project is $75,000. 
All questions must be submitted in writing no later than September 10, 2024. Please contact: Elizabeth Young, Executive Director & Public Art Administrator, Florida Keys Council of the Arts: [email protected] No phone calls, please, as verbal communication regarding this art project is not allowed per the City of Key West ordinance. Please note that all proposals must be submitted on time and through the portal as instructed.
While it is not mandatory, Artists are invited to a site visit with City of Key West staff on SEPTEMBER 9, 2024@ 4pm EST. Hard hat and closed toe shoes are required. RSVP to: director@ by 9/7/2024.
For more information, and to apply, please visit the City of Key West on DemandStar, link located here: Application deadline for RFP is Wednesday, September 25, 2024 by 3:00 pm EST.
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