Regular Commission Meeting and Budget Hearing Next Week

The Key West City Commission will hold a meeting on Tuesday, September 20th at 5 p.m. at City Hall. The meeting will also be live streaming on and on City TV: Comcast Channel 77 and AT&T Channel 99.

You may attend/participate virtually via Zoom by telephoning 646-558-8656 Meeting ID: 828 4474 1339 Passcode: 479314 or online at: Passcode: 479314

On Thursday, September 22nd  at 5:05 p.m., the City Commission will hold the final public hearing for the fiscal 2022/2023 budget. That meeting will also be held at City Hall.

You may attend/participate virtually via Zoom by telephoning 646-558-8656 Meeting ID: 828 8843 9184 Passcode: 320318 or online at: Passcode: 320318

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