Reef Relief is excited to announce our 2024 fall conservation interns, Logan Mignerey and Sacha Glynn. They will be assisting with our community volunteer events, fundraising, campaigns, and educational programs.

Logan Mignerey grew up in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. She recently graduated from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and certificate in Environmental Science. Logan also participated as an NCAA student athlete on the beach volleyball team at FAU. Growing up near the ocean and visiting the Florida Keys, Logan has known her passion for marine science since a young age. Her love for conservation grew as she gained experiences with different organizations.  Previously, she served as a conservation intern at Loggerhead Marinelife Center where she participated in marine debris initiatives, sea turtle protection, and community outreach. During her senior year at FAU, Logan worked in a lab that researched nutrient upcycling in seagrass beds. Logan is excited to begin making her impact in marine science and start her journey as a conservation intern with Reef Relief.

Sacha Glynn, a Key West native, graduated this past May from the University of Florida as Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management, focusing on Agriculture and Natural Resource conservation. While in school she researched the monarch butterfly and pollinator-safe pest management techniques, which led to being published in the Journal of Environmental Entomology and presenting her work at state and national conferences. Sacha previously worked with various non-profit organizations such as Climate Action Gator and Sunrise Movement with goals of raising awareness, lobbying change, and promoting climate focused policies. Sacha is passionate about the conservation of wetland ecosystems and Florida’s hydrology; she looks forward to using her scientific research and community outreach experience to translate scientific knowledge for the public. She is excited to give back to her community and advocate for her home as a Reef Relief conservation intern.

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