Commissioners Mary Lou Hoover and Lissette Carey, Special Events Administrator Maria Ratcliff, Mayor Teri Johnston, and Commissioners Clayton Lopez and Billy Wardlow. Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman was in attendance via Zoom.
Ratcliff Honored for 30 Years of Service
City Manager Al Childress, during the July City Commission meeting, congratulated Special Events Administrator Maria Ratcliff for her 30 years of dedicated service to the City of Key West.
Ratcliff started with the City as the Mayor’s Executive Assistant, then moved into the City Manager’s office. Over the years, she has been the backbone of major City events including Children’s Day, which caps off Fantasy Fest.
One of her biggest accomplishments is her role in ensuring that the Christmas Parade remains the most popular local event. She continuously organizes every aspect of the event, from gathering application, to on-scene lineup of as many as 70 entrants. Each year, she pulls together the judges and makes sure that the winning entrants receive recognition.
“It’s been great working for the City of Key West,” said Ratcliff. “I love this city.”
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