Officer and Civilian of the First Half Honored
During an awards ceremony Friday at the Grand Key Resort, Key West Police Chief Sean Brandenburg named Officer Craig Wyn as Officer of the First Half for 2020 and Public Information Officer Alyson Crean as Civilian Employee of the First Half of 2020.
On May 27th, Officer Wyn, along with Detective Henry DelValle, went above and beyond the call of duty to rescue a man and his dog from the water. The man was at the mouth of the Salt Run Channel and had been stuck in the water for hours. With clear, concise communication, Det. Delvalle and Ofc. Wyn ascertained that no sister agency could immediately enact the rescue. A Good Samaritan lent the officers a paddle board, and they were able to go out into the water and rescue the man and his dog.
“This selfless professionalism,” said Chief Brandenburg, “ensured that the man and his dog were safely rescued and transported to the hospital.”
Both officers also earned a Chief’s Commendation for the rescue.
In presenting the civilian award to Crean, Chief Brandenburg noted her ability to work through adversity.
“Whether it’s a pandemic, an incident that garners national attention, or a computer virus,” said Chief Brandenburg, “Alyson conducts herself every day with enthusiasm and passion.”
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