“Not for the faint of heart: Gardening in the Florida Keys”
Poor, rocky soil; salinity; high pH; seasonal wet/dry cycle; wind and the occasional tropical storm…plants and gardeners in the Keys face a lot of challenges in our “Eden”. But there are ways to have fruits, vegetables and an attractive landscape. On Saturday, April 21st at 1:30 at the Key West Tropical Forest and Botanical Garden, Master Gardener Susie Reutling will share her experience, techniques and advice. Much of her expertise has been hard-won by her work in propagating rare and endangered plants at the on-site nursery. This presentation follows the monthly plant sale – come for the sale; stay for the Speaker in the Garden Chapel. Bring a bagged lunch and picnic at the KWTF&BG in between. Located on College Road just over the Cow Key bridge. Admission for the talk is FREE for KWBGS members; $5 for non-members. www.keywest.garden or 305-296-1504
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