NOAA to announce the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook 

NOAA will issue its outlook for the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season during a news conference on Thursday, May 23 at 10:00 am EDT. 

Leaders from NOAA and the National Weather Service will announce the expected storm activity for the upcoming Atlantic hurricane season, climate factors that will influence hurricane development and NOAA’s readiness with new products related to hurricane hazards and upgrades to enhance forecasts and communications. NOAA and FEMA also will provide guidance on how the public can prepare for hurricane season, which officially begins on June 1.

Details on the the available subject matter experts and both in-person and virtual access are provided in the full NOAA Media Advisory as follows:

Note the live/streaming virtual news conference access is being provided by the National Press Club; credentialed reporters should review the access instructions contained in the NOAA Media Advisory linked above.
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