Photos Contributed by Blue Eye Images & Parks and Beaches Director John Allen
Monroe County Project Management and Parks and Beaches joined Barracuda Builders to open the Higgs Beach restrooms a week early.

KEY WEST, FL – Last week, the newly renovated restrooms at Clarence S. Higgs Memorial Beach in Key West opened to the public, one week ahead of schedule.

Overseen by Monroe County Project Management, the project was fully funded by the Tourist Development Council. Through Monroe County’s bidding process, the restrooms were constructed by Barracuda Builders of Key West and designed by Bender and Associates.

These new restrooms are structurally sound concrete buildings with stucco and beautiful coral stone cladding designed to withstand hurricane wind and surge. The facility also includes:

  • Four foot washes and two tower showers.
  • Flood panels to protect the structure during storms.
  • Exterior “red” turtle lights for turtle nesting season.
  • Water fountains with bottle filler to promote reusable bottles and hydration.
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