Student Nurses’ Association at The College of the Florida Keys (CFK) partnered with the HIV/AIDS Prevention Program at the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County to distribute educational material at an information table at the college campus.  From left, Madison Nasser, President of the CFK Student Nurses’ Association, Victoria Bailey of CFK, and Terry Nealy, DOH-Monroe’s HIV/AIDS Prevention and Training Consultant.

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Observed in Monroe County

(Monroe County, Fla.­­­)—Throughout last week, the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County’s HIV/AIDS Prevention Program and multiple community partners were actively involved in promoting National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD).­­­­

Some notable outreach events to raise awareness included the following:

  • Sunday, March 7, a Kickoff Event took place at the St. James Baptist Church in Key West where an information table with Black Women and HIV Awareness materials was set up.  Promotional items, educational material, and at-home test kits were also distributed.
  • Thursday, March 11, the department partnered with Womankind to distribute educational materials and promotional items to clients that visited their clinic.
  • Thursday, March 11, DOH-Monroe’s, Lisset Ivey, who speaks Spanish and English, shared information at a booth at one of the local Latin-American-owned beauty salons.  Lisset distributed educational materials in Spanish and English and provided clients with promotional items and at-home test kits.
  • Thursday, March 11, the Student Nurses’ Association at the College of the Florida Keys also partnered with the HIV/AIDS Prevention Program at the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County to distribute educational materials at an information table at the college campus.  There, at-home test kits and promotional items – including frozen custard—were distributed to make students aware of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.
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