Mystery Dinner Theatre Cabaret

Mixdeity Presents the Jazz-Age Retrospectacular’s “Mystery Dinner Theatre Cabaret”. Hosted by crooner Rock Solomon, we start with a cocktail hour followed by a 5 course meal served during an interactive theatrical “whodunnit”.  Interwoven between plot twists, meal courses and a live vocal jazz cabaret, you get to help solve the mystery before the night is out. Come dressed in attire from the jazz-age, and get a free glass of sparkling wine when you arrive. Better yet, book VIP tickets and enjoy booth seating and an open well bar!  After we solve the mystery, hang out downstairs with an outside classic outdoor movie and brag about how you figured it out!  Tickets range from $45-$165 online or $60-$180 at the door. For more information go online to or call 305-290-2796 or email [email protected]

Jazz-Age Retrospectacular: Mystery Dinner Theatre Cabaret
[email protected] or call 305-290-2796
Mangoes Restaurant Ballroom, 700 Duval St. Key West FL, 33040
February 11th, 2017
6pm Music & Cocktails, 7pm Dinner & theatre, 10pm Outdoor movie

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