Music With Heart Donates $7500 to Fight Hunger and Homelessness

Morgan Tracey, S.O.S. Foundation and Kim Gordon, Music With Heart Inc.

Local nonprofit Music With Heart Inc. has donated $7500 to aid organizations that provide vitally needed food and shelter here in our Keys community. Three donations of $2500 each will directly support the ongoing work of the S.O.S. Foundation, which distributes two million pounds of food each year, the Domestic Abuse Shelter Inc., which provides safe refuge and counseling, and Cornerstone Resource Alliance Inc., the Keys shelter that feeds and houses more than 100 women and men every day.

“Our sole mission is to provide grassroots help for people in this community, and food and shelter are our most basic needs,” said Kim Gordon, founder of Music With Heart Inc. a nonprofit organization that raises funds through music events and private donations. Gordon, a former author and national columnist who has been fundraising in the Keys for the past 20 years, points to “escalating costs making it increasingly difficult for many families and individuals to survive without these essential support services.” Find out more at

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