Montford Point Marines Memorial Unveiling Monday

Shadrack M.A. Hannibal, Jr. is one of the 13 Key Westers to become a Montford Point Marine during WWII. Photo courtesy of Kalsey L. Hannibal.

After years of research and dedication, City Commissioner Clayton Lopez is pleased to announce the unveiling of the Montford Point Marines Memorial at the Memorial Garden in Bayview Park.

The ceremony will take place on Memorial Day – Monday, May 31st at 10:30 a.m., immediately following the laying of the wreaths in the Vietnam Memorial service.

In 1942, African American men were finally allowed to join the United States Marine Corp. Thirteen Key West men traveled to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, to train and join the first Black Marine Corp in American history. The monument being unveiled is inscribed with the names of these local heroes.

Between 1942 and 1949, some 20,000 Black men trained as Montford Point Marines.

“Despite the challenges presented to those Montford Point Marines, their valor and performance at Peleliu, Iwo Jima, the Chosen Reservoir, Vietnam, and more paved the way for our present integrated armed forces,” wrote Bethanne Kelly Patrick in

The community is urged to attend this and the laying of the wreaths for those lost in Vietnam on this national day of remembrance.

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