The Monroe County State Attorney’s Office is pleased to announce the successful prosecution of a case involving five derelict vessels and one barge in Monroe County waters, holding their owner, Mr. James Lee Huckabay, accountable and responsible. This significant accomplishment underscores our commitment to protecting our natural resources and ensuring the safety of our waterways.

On March 25, 2023, officers from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), including Officer Daniel Jones, Officer Matt Williams, and Lieutenant Roy Payne, conducted a water patrol in the Cow Key Channel area. During their patrol, they identified multiple derelict vessel violations involving vessels owned by Mr. Huckabay. Despite prior warnings and being given six weeks to bring his vessels into compliance, Mr. Huckabay failed to address the condition of his vessels.

The following vessels and one barge were found to be in a wrecked, junked, or a substantially dismantled state, causing significant damage to the marine environment:
1. 1969 46ft Chriscraft
2. 1972 35ft Pacemaker
3. 24ft Fish & Ski
4. 12ft 2021 Homemade Vessel
5. 1976 24ft O’Day
6. 1946 Mt. Vernon Bridge Model 110′ Steel Barge

Mr. Huckabay was also found to be renting out these derelict vessels as Airbnb accommodations, despite their unsafe and deteriorated conditions. The damage these vessels caused to the sea floor, including the destruction of seagrass and other vital marine habitats, is reprehensible.

Mr. Huckabay was arrested and subsequently plead no contest. He was adjudicated guilty on all 23 charges.

The case was presided over by Judge Mark Wilson, who imposed the following sentence:
– $345,000 in restitution for the removal of the five derelict vessels and one barge, an effort to be arranged by the FWC
– 180 days in jail for each of the 6 counts abandonment of derelict vessels
– 60 days in jail for each of the 16 charges related to safety violations, lack of insurance, and health safety violations, all to be served concurrently.

State Attorney Dennis Ward issued a strong statement regarding the impact on our natural resources, stating, “The damage caused to our sea floor by these derelict vessels is unacceptable. To think that someone could allow six vessels to harm the environment without consequences is beyond belief. We continue to hold people responsible and accountable for their actions and failure to act. The dedication and thoroughness of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has been instrumental in bringing this matter to a successful resolution. Their ongoing work to protect our natural resources and keep our waterways safe is commendable.”

Additionally, Mr. Ward acknowledged the hard work of his staff, saying, “I am incredibly proud of my team for their diligence in pulling these cases together and ensuring a just outcome. Their commitment to upholding the law and protecting our environment is evident in the successful prosecution of this case.”

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