Monroe County Global Leaders Essay Contest
The Experiment invites Monroe County, FL, high school students to enter our Global Leaders Essay Contest. Ten (10) to fifteen (15) winners will be chosen to receive competitive scholarships, ranging from $1,000 to one full scholarship, toward an Experiment program for this summer.
Scholarships can be applied toward the program fee for any of the more than 30 programs in 20-plus countries The Experiment offers.* Additional need-based financial aid will be made available to those who exhibit need in the application process. Scholarship recipients will receive a certificate of recognition from The Experiment in International Living, the leader in exchange and diplomacy programs for high school youth for more than 83 years.
* Scholarships can be applied only to program fees. Participants will still be required to purchase The Experiment’s group international airfare. Participants traveling to and from Mexico travel independently from the group and purchase their own international airfare.
Essay Prompts
We live in a rapidly changing world—with massive movement and migration of people, environmental challenges, and the evolution and growing complexity of technology and global connectivity. To address the challenges that we face on local and global scales, we need a generation of leaders able to communicate ideas and take action to help find solutions to the problems we face. This is why The Experiment is offering 10 to 15 merit-based scholarships to Monroe County’s next global leaders—to find high school students who want to cultivate a deeper awareness of and sensitivity to global issues in diverse communities.
The Experiment will look for essays that are thoughtful and well written and that fully answer one of the following prompts in 300 to 500 words:
- What do you think will be the most challenging part of The Experiment? How will you overcome these challenges? In which areas do you expect to grow as an individual?
- The Experiment requires you to work closely with the same group of people for a long period of time. Describe a time when you were part of a group (e.g., a sports team, club, or summer camp). Try to predict what role you might take in an Experiment group. What do you need to be successful in a group environment for an extended period of time (e.g., do you need alone time, emotional support, words of encouragement, etc.)?
- During The Experiment, you’ll be immersed in a culture unlike your own. Think of a time when you were confronted with a different culture in your home community, another part of the US, or abroad. How did that experience impact you? What did you learn from it?
Additional Need-Based Financial Aid
The Experiment will offer additional need-based financial aid for select essay contest winners, based on financial aid information provided in the application process. These need-based, high school study abroad scholarships range from $250 to $3,000.
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