Monroe County Continues to Work with Local, State, and Federal Officials to Expand Declarations
MONROE COUNTY, FL – Monroe County officials are actively working with local, state, and federal elected officials to expand the declarations to include the Florida Keys for Category A Public Assistance (PA) and Individual Assistance (IA) to help those with disaster-related needs. The Monroe County Community Organizations Active in Disasters (COAD) is working to meet the unmet needs of the community. Human needs assessments are ongoing.
Monroe County Emergency Management completed the damage assessments and has submitted information to the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) to be included in the declaration.
“Our elected officials at all levels are aware and working on it with the FEDM and FEMA,” said Roman Gastesi, Monroe County Administrator.
At this time, Monroe County is collecting Hurricane Ian-related debris. Additionally, individual assistance is available for Florida Keys residents through SBA loans.
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