Monroe County Cleans Out Storage Shed of Household Hazardous Waste; Sending it to Gainesville for Proper Disposal – Just in Time for Hurricane Season

LONG KEY – In preparation for hurricane season, Monroe County just completed an annual cleanout of its household hazardous waste storage shed.

All the corrosive, flammable, reactive and toxic household waste that was collected throughout the year at the County’s transfer stations were put into 103 55-gallon drums, weighing 25,900 pounds. These drums were transported to the Perma-Fix of Florida Environmental Services’ facility in Gainesville for proper disposal.

In May, 59 drums of latex paint, weighing 33,200 pounds, also were transported for proper disposal.

Monroe County’s Solid Waste department encourages all residents to take time to properly dispose of their hazardous waste, which are products often found in garages, sheds, storage areas and under sinks.

These chemicals can contaminate drinking water and the County’s sensitive ecosystem. Hazardous household waste includes: paints, stains, wood preservatives, hydraulic fluids, anti-freeze, waste oil, pesticides, pool cleaning products and drain cleaners.

Monroe County does not charge residents to dispose of their household hazardous waste. But this waste is collected at specific hours.

Cudjoe Key Transfer Station, Blimp Road, Mile Marker 21.5: First and third Wednesdays of each month, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Long Key Transfer Station, Mile Marker 68 on the Overseas Highway: First and third Fridays of each month, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Key Largo (corner of Atlantic Avenue and Homestead Avenue behind Walgreens): Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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