Monroe County BOCC Approves Policy Changes To The Tourist Development Council
KEY LARGO, FL – After a lively two-hour discussion, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved three policy changes to the Tourist Development Council at its Wednesday monthly meeting at the Murray Nelson Government and Cultural Center.
- The Commission voted 4-1 to increase the municipalities’ eligibility for reimbursement to up to 100 percent for brick and mortar capital projects using tourist development (bed tax) funds. Previously, the municipalities had been eligible for up to 50 percent reimbursement. (The County, the governing board of the Tourist Development Council, has always been eligible for 100 percent reimbursement).
- The Commission unanimously voted to increase non-profits’ eligibility for reimbursement to up to 75 percent for brick and mortar capital projects using tourist development (bed tax) funds. Previously, the non-profits had been eligible for up to 50 percent. The Commission also voted to mandate that only 50 percent of a non-profits’ 25 percent portion of a project could be met with in-kind contributions.
- The Commission unanimously voted that the unused portion of the bed tax fund, which is designated for bricks and mortar capital projects, can only be removed from the bricks and mortar fund – and redistributed to advertising or event sponsorships – by special request from the District Advisory Committees and approval of the Commission.
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