Migration “Mania” Returns To Key West Tropical Forest
Our feathered friends begin their journey to their winter retreats long before our “snowbirds” friends. By late September, the Keys are hosts for species that are either passing through to destinations closer to the equator or are settling in for the cooler months. Greet these visitors this coming weekend – Friday, September 23 through Sunday, September 25th _ at the Key West Tropical Forest and Botanical Garden and the National Key Deer Refuge.
Whether you are an avid “birder”, an environmentalists or simply awed by natural phenomena, these sites offer special guided walks for viewing birds and other creatures. The schedule includes special sessions for children and photographers and events are spread over the hours from 7am through the evening; you do not have to be an early bird to participate.
For detailed listing of events, visit www.kwbgs.org. Some sessions suggest pre-registration and a $10 fee. September 24th is National Public Lands Day, so the usual general admission is waived.
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