Michael Hennigan Admits Guilt in Multiple Violations of Probation Involving Drugs

Monroe County, FL – Michael Hennigan has admitted guilt to several violations of probation related to drug offenses, following a series of ongoing investigations. Hennigan has been recently sentenced by Judge Mark Wilson to six years in state prison, followed by three years of probation. All cases will run concurrently.

Upon completion of his prison sentence, Hennigan will be required to adhere to strict probation conditions, including twice-weekly drug analysis, participation in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) three times a week, and a substance-abuse evaluation to be completed within 60 days of his release. Additionally, his driving privileges have been suspended, and court costs have been imposed on all cases.

Lead Prosecutor, Assistant State Attorney Charles Britt, praised the Key West Police Department for their dedication and thorough investigation. “This excellent work by the Key West Police Department was crucial in bringing these ongoing cases to resolution.”

State Attorney Dennis Ward expressed gratitude for Britt’s hard work, stating, “We are proud of Assistant State Attorney Britt for his commitment to seeing these cases through, and we thank the Key West Police Department for their continued cooperation in ensuring justice is served.”

Chief Assistant State Attorney Joseph Mansfield also commented on the successful outcome, saying, “This resolution would not have been possible without the persistent efforts of Assistant State Attorney Britt and our strong partnership with the Key West Police Department.”

Mansfield emphasized the importance of probation as an opportunity for rehabilitation, adding, “Probation is a chance to get your life back on track, but when someone repeatedly violates those conditions, they have to face the consequences.”

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