Hopefully everyone is safe and sheltered in the Upper and Middle Keys and we hope everyone in the Lower Keys has safe travel home tonight, though you should expect some isolated wind and rain conditions.  Based on the most recent forecast from the National Weather System it appears that by 6:00 PM tonight we will have seen the worst that Hurricane Matthew has to offer.

While the safety of students and staff remains as our foremost concern the predicted conditions for tomorrow will allow us to reopen all of the schools in Monroe County.  All schools will be open tomorrow – Friday, October 7th.  All employees should plan to report in accordance with their customary duty schedule.  I will continue to work with the UTM leadership to address expressed equity concerns regarding the partial closure today.

We were indeed fortunate not to be part of the Florida mainland this time around.  Our prayers are with those, including I’m sure family members of some of you, who will be impacted more significantly by the strength of Hurricane Matthew.

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