MCSD Celebrates 2023-2024 Graduation Rates: Achievements, Challenges, and Commitment to Student Success

(MCSD) is proud to announce the latest graduation rates for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The district’s overall graduation rate stands at 86.9%, which is slightly below the state rate. The district remains committed to implementing strategies to support and improve student outcomes.

The district is proud to share that two out of three of our high schools are keeping pace with the state graduation rate of 89.7%. Coral Shores High School has maintained a strong graduation rate of 91.1%, highlighting the school’s dedication to academic excellence. Key West High School has achieved a graduation rate of 88.9%. The school continues to focus on providing quality education and resources to ensure student success.

Marathon High School’s rate took a slight decrease to 83.1%. The district is aware of the factors that impede students graduating from Marathon High School and is working diligently to address those. Principal Christine Paul shared, “This year we have implemented a Freshman Seminar Class, as research indicates that a successful freshman year is a key factor in students’ high school academic success.”

Superintendent Theresa Axford expressed pride in the district’s accomplishments, stating, “We are incredibly proud of our students, teachers, and staff for their unwavering commitment to education. While we recognize there are areas for improvement, we are confident that our ongoing efforts will lead to continued success and higher graduation rates in the future.”


Please contact me for further information or if you have questions.

Amber Archer Acevedo
Deputy Superintendent
Monroe County School District
305-293-1400 ext. 53319 or 305-360-2355


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