McKee Fund Retrospective

On Thursday, January 5, 2017 from 6pm to 8pm at The Studios of Key West, the Anne McKee Artists Fund welcomes the public to their “Artists4Artists Retrospective,” a celebration of McKee Fund grant recipients from the past 22 years.  Over 250 grants have been given and on this night, 90 grantees (visual, performance and literary) will participate in this show that was the idea of Anne McKee herself.  Admission is free and there will be a cash bar.  Thank you to both the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys Vision 20/20 Grant and the G. Ross McKee, Jr. Charitable Fund at CFFK for making this retrospective event possible.  We are also thrilled to have this Retrospective show in conjunction with The Studios of Key West at their beautiful flagship building.

Stay tuned for more information regarding the Anne McKee annual fine art auction on Friday, February 10, 2017.

The McKee art auction raises money for project-based grants to Keys visual, literary and performing artists.    Founded by longtime Key West resident and philanthropist, Anne McKee, the non-profit fund has awarded more than $245,000 since 1994.  For more information about the Anne McKee Artists Fund and its annual auction and artist grants, visit

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