Man arrested after using dog as threat

A North Carolina man who threatened to have his dog attack a hotel front desk employee in Marathon was arrested overnight.

The 19 year old victim told Deputy Matthew Cory the man who assaulted her was staying at the hotel in room 129. His name: 35 year old Robert Meadows. She said he walked into the lobby at 4:15 a.m. today and threw a $20 bill at her. He told her it was “because she was beautiful”. A short time later, he told her she should come to his room with him because he gave her the $20. She refused.

She said Meadows then became angry and told her he was going to get his dog – a Pit Bull – from his room and have it attack her. The victim told Deputy Corey she is terrified of dogs and was very frightened by this statement.  She said Meadows told her he was in the military and has killed people. He then left the lobby and went to his room.

He returned a short time later with his dog. When the dog jumped up on the front desk with its front paws, the victim ran into the office, locked the door and called 911. Meadows began pounding on the office door. She told him she had called police, so he left and went to his room.

Deputy Cory found the victim in the office. She was shaking and very frightened by the confrontation. The deputy found Meadows still in his hotel room. He appeared to be intoxicated and claimed not to remember what happened. Meadows was arrested and charged with assault and he was taken to jail. The Florida Keys SPCA was called to the scene and took the dog into their custody for safe keeping.

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