Mall on Duval pedestrian mall is finally here! C’mon over!


On Tuesday, February 5th, the City of Key West approved the pilot program which transforms the 500, 600 and 700 blocks of Duval Street into a Pedestrian-only mall beginning this holiday weekend (President’s Day), Friday, Saturday and Sunday February 15, 16 & 17 from 5pm to 12am each night. That’s Fleming Street all the way to Petronia Street. The pilot program continues each weekend thereafter, every Friday and Saturday night from 5pm to 12am through April 26 & 27. That’s 23 nights, 11 weekends – the rest of February and all of March and April.


The ribbon-cutting ceremony will be this Friday, February 15th at 6pm on Duval Street on the 500 block near Southard Street. Join Mayor Teri Johnston, the City Commissioners, your neighbors and visitors to Key West as we celebrate the launching of Mall on Duval.


The thru streets will remain open (Fleming, Southard, Angela and Petronia) and police will begin to close down the 500, 600 & 700 portions of Duval Street starting at 4:30pm and then they will re-open those sections by 12:30am.  Approximately 7 portable bathrooms will be provided each weekend, including one for the handicapped. Extra police and city personnel will be available to help the new venture run smoothly.


What is Mall on Duval? 20 places to eat and drink including 7 live music venues, popular outdoor dining, fun shopping at 37 retail stores and 12 specialty shops, 13 spectacular galleries and great deals – everybody will be there! A radio station will be broadcasting live every night from 5pm-8pm. Many of the restaurants will have outdoor dining so make your reservations early!

If you are visiting Key West, the city invites you with open arms to join our grand opening. For those that are local, we encourage you to rediscover Duval Street like you’ve never seen it before. Enjoy Duval Street unencumbered by vehicular traffic. A safe place for you, your family and friends to unwind and enjoy the holiday weekend, and every weekend during the season. Bring your friends. Ride your bike, take the Duval loop – just get here!


To celebrate the Grand Opening, each of the 3 nights of the opening night weekend, one lucky winner will win $200 cash. The drawing will be held just after 7:30pm. Winner must be present to win. One entry per person. No purchase necessary. Show up early to submit your entry on time. Look for the Mall on Duval Information Booth next to the radio station booth. Door prizes will also be given away that were donated by the businesses on the 500 600 & 700 blocks.

Mall on Duval pedestrian mall is finally here! C’mon over!

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