Opening Friday June 14th at JAG

Water Lily (Pete and Louie’s Garden) 26 x 30 in.

Duval Square’s Jag Gallery welcomes the return of photographer, academic and researcher Lynne Bentley- Kemp with a bold collection of photography representative of her long time passion for and focus on picturing paradise.   Included in the this exhibit are 8 retrospective, dynamic black and white images from Lynne’s PhD visual dissertation, Recovering Eden: the Photographer in the Garden,  a hybrid of digital and analog printmaking.  Also included are recent works, utilizing modern photo and printing technology which the artist feels “has the permanence , depth and tonal range of those images I made 20 years ago”.

Recovering Eden, Then And Now opens with a gallery reception to meet the artist on Friday June 14th from 5:30-7:30 which is free and open to the public.

Recognized as one of the region’s top destinations for fine, contemporary art presenting  carefully curated exhibits featuring work of prominent artists from Key West and beyond, Jag Gallery  is located at the Simonton Street entrance to Duval Square, 1075 Duval Street with ample, free parking.  Gallery hours are Tuesday-Sunday noon to 5, Mondays by appointment. For additional information call 305.407.6202 or email and follow us on Facebook and instagram at jaggallery.

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