Lower Keys Medical Center Annual Hurricane Evacuation Drill conducted

KEY WEST, FL – JULY 2, 2024 – Evacuating hospital patients in a major hurricane involves numerous entities which need to be specially trained and constantly prepared. The annual drill, conducted June 27th at Lower Keys Medical Center and NAS Key West Boca Chica, simulates the preparation of patients, handling of medical records, patient protection safeguards, transport of patients to NAS Key West airfield, training of EMS, military, law enforcement and volunteers on lifting techniques, and unloading and loading volunteers serving as patients into an Air National Guard aircraft.

Lower Keys Medical Center chief executive officer David Clay said, “In 2017 when Hurricane Irma warranted a mandatory evacuation, all of the partner organizations knew exactly what to do thanks to this annual training and practice, successfully transporting hospital patients to safety. We are so grateful to all of our partners, especially the Air National Guard which provides the on the ground training and air transport. Thank you to North Carolina, Delaware, Florida and Kentucky Air National Guard teams and all of our partners, including Monroe County emergency management, Sheriff’s office, Monroe County Fire Rescue, City of Key West Fire Rescue, NAS Key West, NAS Key West Fire Rescue, City of Key West Police, Elite Medical Transport, E Care Ambulance, Tennessee Williams Theater/College of the Florida Keys, and many volunteers, observers and staff.”

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