Lower Keys Medical Center announces DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses recipient

Laura Wake, RN, and Donna Barnett

KEY WEST, Florida (MAY 30, 2024) – Lower Keys Medical Center administration hosted an awards ceremony during National Nurses Week 2024 to announce the winner of the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses. The award recognizes nursing professionals for excellence in clinical care and for exceptional compassion.

Laura Wake, RN, medical surgical unit, was nominated by Donna Barnett, a former patient who wrote, “If ever you have to have surgery and be in the hospital, you would be lucky to find yourself being cared for by Nurse Laura Wake. From minute one – and I was hospitalized for five days – she was always the epitome of what a nurse should be. Wonderful attitude, did her job well and professionally, great compassion and caring for her patients and co-workers. Nurse Laura will always have my undying gratitude for her wonderful nursing skills, compassion and all around service.”
Laura was presented with a hand-carved Healer’s Touch Sculpture, A DAISY certificate and a signature bouquet of daisies. The DAISY Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that was established in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, who died in 1999 from complications of an autoimmune disease. His family was inspired to create the Foundation to honor nurses who make a profound difference in the lives of their patients and families.
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