Duval Square’s Jag Gallery welcomes Key West artists Erika Heffernan and Mark Hedden for an exhibition of photography, based on inspiration miles apart yet reflecting their common passion for photographic pursuits.

Erika Heffernan arrives with an alluring, previously unseen selection from her 398 Days Collection, evocative and personal images following the artist on a daily photographic journey of solitude as she copes with the Covid Pandemic and its effects, capturing beauty during a very dark time, one that begins in isolation but ends in elation.

Popular photographer, writer and all round renaissance man, Mark Hedden returns with a personally curated series of nature studies of which he says, “though I write a Key West Weekly column about birds, I generally don’t consider myself a wildlife photographer, but this show has given me the opportunity to share some images that I really like…wildlife photography can be chaotic.  It can take quite a few shots to get a really good image of a bird.”

LOOKING OUT AND UP opens with a gallery reception to meet the artists on Thursday, July 11th from 5:30 – 7:30 which is free and open to the public.  The gallery will also host another in its IN CONVERSATION WITH…series of gallery talks on Wednesday July 24th at 5.

Recognized as one of the region’s top destinations for fine, contemporary art presenting  carefully curated exhibits featuring work of prominent artists from Key West and beyond, Jag Gallery  is located at the Simonton Street entrance to Duval Square, 1075 Duval Street with

ample, free parking.  Gallery hours are Tuesday-Sunday noon to 5, Mondays by appointment. For additional information call 305.407.6202 or email [email protected] and follow us on Facebook and instagram at jaggallery.

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