“Local Constituent Town hall meeting March 22, 2017

Key West, Florida – The Florida Keys Indivisibles have been discussing their strategy for putting on a Constituent Town hall meeting with Congressman Carlos Curbelo, Senator Bill Nelson, and Senator Marco Rubio. The Florida Keys Indivisibles has sought the opportunity for local groups around the county to show their Members of Congress how serious they are about protecting civil liberties, personal freedoms, and fundamental human rights. To accomplish this, the group states that they have a consistent message with many voices for their MoCs during town halls, district office meetings, and phone calls within district 26.  The local chapter is being organized by Kathryn Norris and Stephanie Paige who became inspired by the National movement called Indivisible. “It’s time for us as a community to come together and let our voices be heard,” states Kathryn Norris.

The group invites all constituents of District 26 to attend a local town hall on March 22nd at The Blue Room, 1128 Simonton Street at 6:00 p.m. for a strategy meeting before a future date and time for a Town Hall with invited Senators and the Congressman. They ask that you come prepared to take action and meet others who are also protecting civil liberties, personal freedoms, and fundamental human rights. They have stated that this is is a time to engage with other like minded people and participate. The Town hall in April is a time to remind our Members of Congress and Senate that they represent all of us. This will not be a protest or a rally of any kind. We must stand together, indivisible we all win. For more information please visit www.Indivisiblekeys.com or www.facebook.com/thefloridakeysindivisibles


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