Library Computer classes

The Key West Library at 700 Fleming Street is offering free workshops on various computer topics in March. Seating is limited and registration is required.  Classes start at 10 AM.  Call to reserve your spot today! 305-292-3595.

Thursday March 8th PayPal- Are you hesitant about online shopping because of payment issues? Join us for a 30-45 minute discussion about the benefits and reasons to using PayPal, an online banking middle man.

Thursday March 15th Intro to Etsy- Do you like unique, handmade items? Welcome to Etsy, an online marketplace for unique handmade items.  Learn more about it in this intro class.

Thursday March 22nd Gale Medical Database – An introduction to the library’s free online medical resource.

Thursday March 29th Career Database – This database offers help on everything job related from resume tips to local job searches and much more.

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