Roger C. Kostmayer
Politics is a team sport. It can be rough, but working together to achieve a common goal benefits individuals and our democracy. Important lessons can be learned from both winning and losing, and the emphasis should be on values and issues rather than personalities and animosity.
Your politics and values probably put you in one of the two major parties, but the mission is the same: help your team beat its rival at every level, in every race, while playing by the rules. This means that any day someone attacks one of their teammates or leaders, unless it’s a matter of principle, it helps their opponent and makes winning more difficult.
If you’re a Democrat, for example, what should you do when Hillary or Bill, Nancy or Chuck, Elizabeth or Kirsten, Bernie or Joe do or say something you find annoying, silly, untrue or unhelpful – and with which you disagree? Though I personally have struggled and failed at times, the correct answer is to bite one’s tongue and refocus on beating the opposition.
There is one time (called primaries) when teammates compete to represent us. That’s when it’s appropriate to be open and passionate about our team choices.
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This statement of political showmanship shows exactly why I hate politics and the lower life forms called politicians. It reflects exactly why we are smacked in the face by our hired help, by the subliminal royalty demanding we sheep follow their every whim and ego building lust. When people like these take over “citizens” blindly comply due to the brainwashing from their major tool, the Media. Why would a hired (elected is the same) maintenance person be allowed to dictate to the “Bosses” how to run their lives, to live, to die? Because we “citizens” have been driven to obey the Royalty or be chastised. Can you imagine how long a manufacturing company would last if their floor sweepers, their head cleaners, their landscapers dictated management? This is the N.W.O. and it stinks. Thinking along these lines of self-destruction, how long would a farm last, a power grid, a drinking water supplier, a trucking company, transportation systems? All is falling down and the radical left just might take over and destroy us all! There is no such thing as fair voting on a pirate ship! Trump is a tough act to follow, but he is trying to fix this mess and I will back him to the hilt!
Another contradiction in terms. How does one both endorse a team and not compromise one’s ‘principles’? One either stands on principle or follow blindly a team that is bent on ‘faking’ it.
“If you ain’t first, you’re last” … Ricky Bobby ‘Talladega Nights’
“what should you do when Hillary or Bill, Nancy or Chuck, Elizabeth or Kirsten, Bernie or Joe do or say something you find annoying, silly, untrue or unhelpful – and with which you disagree?”
A Progressive is never wrong. Like being a member of Star Trek’s “Borg Collective”; Riddick’s “Necromonger” army; a beehive drone.
Maybe voted against them previously? You tolerated them all along. You overlooked their “wrongs” all along. They never should have attained the possibility of reaching the position for which they are trying to achieve. Voters were the enablers.
Hilary groomed herself becoming President for 40 years…everyone knew what she was, looked the other way and kept voting for her. You made her the “smartest woman in the Galaxy”.
Only person that had no track record was Pres Trump. The walk-on, a political amateur. Pres Trump has taken away the aura of politics. Achieving the highest position isn’t what the professional politicians had us to believe (along with the media, the pollsters, the political industry).
This is what is shocking the professionals, the media, the establishment. A walk-on, amateur, that didn’t pay any political dues got elected President! Pres Trump is NOT beholding to anyone. This threatens the elites. I find the amateurish political playbook backlash against him amateurish.