Letter to the Editor / WHY DOESN’T THE MAJORITY RULE ? / Roger C. Kostmayer

Since President Lincoln, the first Republican president, one definition of American democracy is – government of, by and for the people. This implies that, in most cases, the greater number should have a greater say, and elected politicians should respect the will of the people.

Unfortunately, neither our political system nor our public servants have honored this principle in recent years. Two of our last three Presidents failed to win the popular vote and, according to polls and anecdotal evidence, many of the policies and legislative solutions preferred by a clear majority of citizens are blocked by the party in control of Congress.

Following, in no particular order, are a few mostly non-partisan and generally moderate solutions favored by a majority of Americans, yet are being deliberately ignored:

  • Desperately needed, and economically beneficial, infrastructure throughout the US.

  • Universal and affordable health care insurance, preferably single payer/ Medicare that includes coverage for preexisting conditions.

  • Quality higher education opportunities for all – free or affordable. In the 21st century, public education shouldn’t stop at High School.

  • A universal service commitment that includes military service and other service options.

  • A livable wage – probably $15 an hour minimum, indexed for inflation.

  • Cease “zero tolerance immigration policies that separate young children from their families and criminalize families legally seeking asylum from horrific dangers.

If national politicians, or a political party, committed to fighting for and implementing solutions desired by a majority of American voters, don’t you think they’d do well at the polls ?

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