By Roger C. Kostmayer

We live in a time of multiple challenges and crises, but that doesn’t excuse us for ignoring the most difficult and dangerous ones – hoping they will go away.  Two examples are: global warming, and America’s health care and social security. The problem is politicians know the danger but put their heads in the sand instead of solving the problem.  Every day they delay makes it more difficult and expensive to solve.

Depending on US economic growth, it looks like Medicare, Social Security and all their benefits will only remain solvent until 2035.  Eleven years – maybe.  Our population is getting older at the same time fewer babies are born.  Unless Congress and the Trump Party quickly produce comprehensive immigration reforms that allow a huge immigration influx, fewer younger Americans will have to help support ever more older folks.  Both political parties must work together (currently a tough ask) to address this ever growing problem.  The worst solution would be to significantly reduce all the Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid benefits that help so many who are struggling.

In the face of these difficult demographics, the best solutions are growing the workforce, and tax reform. For example, we can end the Trump tax break for billionaires and, since the wealthy only pay taxes for these benefits up to $168,600, why not remove this cap so everyone pays their share on ALL their income?

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